Set your practice up for success with our eBook. Discover how to improve patient experience and boost revenue.
Download eBookCOVID Era Solutions for Practice Growth
The unexpected impact of COVID-19 has affected dental practices Australia wide and in the aftermath, Centaur wants to help you get back to business and improve your operational excellence. Now is the time to review your processes and find solutions to assist your practice in executing your business strategy reliably and more consistently than your competition with a focus on your practice’s growth and optimising your revenue.
Now is the time to review the following at your practice:
- The People – What are all of the roles and responsibilities of your staff? Does everyone have a clear understanding of who can make monetary decisions and process changes?
- The Process – What are the processes that are aligned with your clearly-defined objectives at your practice?
- The Technology – When you look at the technology you are using, is it easy to access and functionally aligned with your practice?
Dental4Windows offers a number of different integrated service options and features that assist practices in achieving success and streamline workflows for their staff including:
- Online Bookings with eAppointments and the Patient Discovery network
- Electronic forms with eForms
- Buy now, pay later with National Dental Plan
- Professional marketing with D4W Marketing
- Set and forget patient messaging with Automation
- Sterilisation tracking with our Sterilisation module
- Patient education options with xPlain Chairside, TV or Online
These are just some of the options available through Dental4Windows to assist in making technology work for you at your practice.
Find out more in our COVID ERA Solutions for Practice Growth brochure below:
To get you started on your practice growth journey, purchase eAppointments, eForms or D4W Marketing before 30 September 2020 and receive your first month free when you sign up to a 6 month minimum contract.
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