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Assistance for Small Businesses to Become Digital Champions

Published on : 22/5/2019

The Small Business Digital Champions Project, an Australian Government initiative, will provide 100 small businesses with a digital makeover valued at up to $20,000.

Key Issues For The Dental Industry —

Many small business owners are time poor and often need encouragement and education to embrace technology and reap the benefits. The Small Business Digital Champions Project is an Australian Government initiative intended to inspire and equip Australian small businesses to thrive in the digital economy.

Deloitte Access Economics Connected Small Businesses 2017 report found that when small businesses are digitally engaged, they are 50 per cent more likely to be growing revenue, eight times more likely to be creating jobs, seven times more likely to be exporting, and 14 times more likely to be innovating new products and services.

15 of the 100 selected small businesses will be chosen to become Digital Champions, taking their digital journey into the public spotlight, and will receive mentorship from successful Australian entrepreneurs.

Already announced as mentors for the initiative are:

■ Michelle Bridges — Fitness trainer and founder of the online 12WBT program;■ Larry Kestelman — Founder of Dodo; and
■ Dr Sam Prince — Founder of hospitality chain Zambrero.


Eligibility is open to Australian owned and operated businesses with less than 20 full-time (or equivalent) employees, including sole traders. Small businesses that have not received any Government funding (State of Commonwealth) for the same or similar digital supports are invited to apply. To be able to participate, a small business will have to:

■ Demonstrate compliance with all taxation laws and industrial relations laws; and
■ Have an identifiable digital need.


If a small business owner is successful in their application, they must be willing to have details of their business available publicly and be willing to be promoted online through a range of digital channels.

Small business owners will also need to agree to a regular schedule of engagements, such as interviews, coaching sessions with mentors and digital training over a 12-month period.

For more information, or to register your interest in the project, visit the following website:

■ Small Business Digital Champions

Member Engagement — 

ADIA provides leadership, strategy, advocacy, and support. Our members set our agenda, fund our activities, and directly benefit from the results. With respect to the Association’s work to support small business members, the team in the ADIA national office receive advice and guidance from members serving on national committees, who belong to special interest groups and who attend ADIA State Branch Briefings.

Further information —

For further information on this matter please send an email to or telephone 1300 943 094.  To keep up to date with all that’s happening in Australia’s dental industry following ADIA on Twitter at @AusDental and on Facebook at

Currency & Disclaimer —

This update was issued on 7 January 2019 and please note that changes in circumstances after the publication of material or information may impact upon its accuracy and also change regulatory compliance obligations. The statements, regulatory and technical information contained herein are believed to be accurate and are provided for information purposes only. Readers are responsible for assessing its relevance and verifying the accuracy of the content. To the fullest extent permitted by law, ADIA will not be liable for any loss, damage, cost or expense incurred in relation to or arising as a result of relying on the information presented here.

Article Credit: ADIA –

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